Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Time

Halloween around our house is always a huge thing, thanks to Ryan. Every year since I've known Ryan he's had a Halloween party. We love getting all of our family and friends together for a night of dressing up silly, lots of food, and catching up. In some cases we get to see people we haven't seen since the last Halloween party. This year was no exception, our 8th Annual Milczarek Halloween Party was as fun as usual. Here are some pics...

Some of the guests... Nach Family, Darryl and Suzanne (Mom and Dad) and Graham Family (Kaiden is missing from the pic, probably ran off to play with the other kids)

Barb and Steve (Mom and Dad), Jason (my brother)

This is the pinata frenzy!

Ryan as The Big Bad Wolf, the girls were the three little pigs, but we didn't get any pictures of us. Hopefully someone else got one and will send it to us!

This is our 2nd Annual Haunted Garage! We have a great time making it and this year Mackenzie was a huge help!

More pictures of Halloween night to follow soon! Thanks again to all of our friends and family for making this year's party as fun as always!

1 comment:

Mommy to A&R said...

Halloween time is always fun at the Milczarek house and this year was no exception! Thank you for throwing such a great bash! :) We are already thinking of costumes for next year. (for once). :) :)