Friday, November 14, 2008


I haven't really found the time to keep this page updated, so here are some pics for now. In the meantime, come see me on Facebook!

It's Attack Daddy Night!

Look what I built!

Punk Rocker Girls

My big punk rocker!

Petting the goats at the zoo.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sydney is 2!!!!

We celebrated Sydney's 2nd birthday as a family. Some would think celebrating as a family at home would mean small and quaint. However, with a family like ours... it's not quite so small or quaint. It was a very nice family get together and everyone brought something to contribute to the meal. We know many people who are far from "home" and don't have family close, let alone family as large as ours... we are grateful for our family.

Happy Birthday Sweet Sydney. You are loved more than you know...

Her Birthday started out at music class. For some reason, Miss Sydney is not all that excited about music class. She loves to sing and dance at home, but the second we walk into that room, she gets grumpy. It takes almost the whole 45 minute class for her to warm up and by then, what's the point!

This was Sydney's actual Birthday celebrated with the four of us. Cupcakes and sisterly love all around!

Okay, now I told you we have a huge family! This is just half the room.

This is Sydney's cake. It's a Cars cupcake cake. I wish I had a better picture, it was so cute. She even goes to bed with them sometimes... silly girl!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Just Sharing Pics

Things around here are just as crazy as ever and we are loving it. Nothing new to share just some cute pics of my girls. Miss Sydney will be 2 in May! It's just crazy, but I can't wait until all the diapers are gone! woo hoo!!!!

This is an Easter picture. I'd love to say this was a candid beautiful sister moment, but no, I had to ask for them to give loves. Still cute though!

Miss Sydney with her sherbert. She has to make sure she gets the stuff she spilled!

Okay, now this one needs a bit of explaining... every single day when the girls get out of the shower, one is a monkey (the brown one) and the other is the elephant (the blue one). For some reason it makes more sense to them to walk into the bedroom and curl up on the floor instead of drying off. They also take on the behavior of the animal they are wearing. It's too cute and I love it although it makes for a longer timeframe between showers and getting dressed and increased probability that Sydney will PEEEEEEEEE before I get a diaper on her!

Mackenzie and her friend, Mauren went to Shamrock Farms to visit Roxie and all her friends. We had a great time and learned a lot about the process of getting the milk to our stores.

These are my lazy babies, every morning they want their warm milk in a sippy (this is the only time Kenzie will get a sippy and hers has ovaltine in it). They are so cuddly and sometimes they let me cuddle too as long as I don't get it in way of their cartoons!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Here are some pictures of all of us coloring Easter eggs

Little Miss Sydney having more fun coloring herself than the egg.

Yes I'm cute and yes I colored my face, but give me some credit I only dropped one egg!

No pictures please, I'm busy.

Now why are we coloring eggs again? Oh yeah to make the biggest mess possible... oh well, I'll have fun and just accept it!

I can't wait, it's almost ready to take out... it's going to be so pretty!

Okay, and as a friend mentioned in the posts, I didn't include any pics of the finished product. I don't know why I didn't think of it considering we have over 30 pictures of the finished product! Yes, Ryan took close ups of just about every egg and we made 3 dozen!!!

Here are all of them. We cleaned up all the dyes, threw away all the trash, put them on the table as a centerpiece, and then put them in the fridge! We got to enjoy the finished product for all of 5 minutes. I eat so many devilled eggs that I'm a little freaked out about my eggs sitting out for the time it takes to color them. I have to report though, that all is well after eating them!

The beautiful girls in their Easter dresses. This was the best picture I could get.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Frog Prince

This is an absolutely beautiful picture of Mackenzie and her cousin, Cami. Oh how I wish my digital camera was more powerful!

My sister's kiddos and Mackenzie went to the Frog Prince at the Mesa Center for the Arts put on by EVCT (East Valley Children's Theater). They had a great time and it was a cute play. They dressed up as princesses themselves and drew a lot of attention... fitting for the princesses they are! Thank you to my sis for suggestion we go. I see more EVCT plays in our future!

And one last picture of the girls ready for the show... for the most part, they sat there VERY still and enthralled for an entire hour!

Monday, February 18, 2008


We went north Sunday to Strawberry, AZ (just north of Payson) to play in the snow. We had a great time and the girls loved it. Ryan and I are a bit sore and bruised up from the sledding, but the girls seemed to have made it out unscathed. There's not much else to say other than enjoy the pics...

I'm ready to go! This is Mackenzie's first time out in real snow. She says there is no real difference between real snow and snow cones! Oh how I wish we get a chance to go when the stuff is actually falling from the sky so she'll have a better understanding.

Wipe Out! That is Sydney and Mackenzie. They were lucky enough to be wearing bulky snow gear so they didn't feel that fall. Mom and Dad on the other hand were not so lucky. We both have bumps and bruises!

Could I BE wearing anymore clothes?

My first snowman. The snow wasn't fresh enough to roll into big balls so we just piled up some and here he is..... Mr. Snowman.

Ryan couldn't wait for the kiddos to lose interest in the blocks. He was dying to make something. I call it a giraffe and he calls it a horse. That's a pretty long neck for a horse if you ask me!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Baby's 5

It's true. My little girl is not so little. On January 14th, Miss Mackenzie turned 5. She met this milestone with some excitement and trepidation. First of all, in her mind, 5 year olds are bigger and stronger which means she can now go two bars on the monkey bars by herself, she can pour her own milk, and she can pick up her little sis. But at the same time, her silly Mom put too much emphasis on the fact that when she's 5 she gets to go to Kindergarten. She's excited but thought that the day she turned 5 she had to "go off to school". She honestly thought we were going to ship her off to boarding school or something. She's worried about missing us. Eeeks. I hope I didn't do this to her. We'll figure it out together.

This week Ryan and I will visit two schools and hopefully decide which one she'll fit into best by registration. Speaking of, registration is Feb. 19th, which seems sooooo early to me.

The whole princess gang at Mackenzie's princess party, minus Sydney who had just run out of the picture.

She's thinking hard about her wish... Want to know what it is? I wish, I wish, that we can all be friends forever. Got to love it!

Here's a front view of Ryan's masterpiece. Every year he comes up with a new creation. At least one of us is artistic!

Towards the end of the night when Mackenzie started to lose her mind. She still takes naps and believe me, she needs them. But on this day, her special day, she convinced me that she'd be fine because she's 5 now. Well, she was well behaved, but a bit more distracted and silly that usual.

The princess wanted to make mini bagel pizzas for her party and I made fruit wands for the little princesses. Here they are at the royal table.