Monday, April 21, 2008

Just Sharing Pics

Things around here are just as crazy as ever and we are loving it. Nothing new to share just some cute pics of my girls. Miss Sydney will be 2 in May! It's just crazy, but I can't wait until all the diapers are gone! woo hoo!!!!

This is an Easter picture. I'd love to say this was a candid beautiful sister moment, but no, I had to ask for them to give loves. Still cute though!

Miss Sydney with her sherbert. She has to make sure she gets the stuff she spilled!

Okay, now this one needs a bit of explaining... every single day when the girls get out of the shower, one is a monkey (the brown one) and the other is the elephant (the blue one). For some reason it makes more sense to them to walk into the bedroom and curl up on the floor instead of drying off. They also take on the behavior of the animal they are wearing. It's too cute and I love it although it makes for a longer timeframe between showers and getting dressed and increased probability that Sydney will PEEEEEEEEE before I get a diaper on her!

Mackenzie and her friend, Mauren went to Shamrock Farms to visit Roxie and all her friends. We had a great time and learned a lot about the process of getting the milk to our stores.

These are my lazy babies, every morning they want their warm milk in a sippy (this is the only time Kenzie will get a sippy and hers has ovaltine in it). They are so cuddly and sometimes they let me cuddle too as long as I don't get it in way of their cartoons!